Anchoring During Panic Attacks

Anchoring During Panic Attacks

A few years ago, I arrived home from work and suddenly had intense chest pains.  So severe that I could hardly breathe. I called my husband in a panic and he raced home to take me to the emergency room.   I imagined that my heart was about to give out: all the junk...
Unpacking Anxiety: Strategies to Stay in the Moment

Unpacking Anxiety: Strategies to Stay in the Moment

We went on a camping trip this summer and I admit that I am not a huge fan of living outdoors for an extended amount of time.   But in the interest of pleasing my family, I loaded up a bag with my clothes, toiletries (I was hoping we would have showers?) and other...
5 Tips to Connect You With Your Teen

5 Tips to Connect You With Your Teen

All over social media, the back to school pictures are popping up.  I was taking some of my son this last week; my fourteen-year-old ninth grader, who packed up his bags and headed to his first day of high school.   I admit that I think I was more nervous than he was!...