In a society that continually works to define the definition of “success” and self-worth, it can be hard to find the intrinsic value you bring to the world.  How can we have value outside of earning the respect of others around us and meeting social expectations?

In 2014, a painting named Jimson Weed, Flower Number One, became one of the most expensive paintings ever sold: at the Sotheby Auction in New York, it sold for $44.4 million dollars.  For those who care to see it, it is now on display in the Indianapolis Museum of Art.  It has been said the painting is so valuable because it captured the rare detail and beauty of a simple white flower.

What does a painting “do” to earn value?  Absolutely nothing.  The painting itself simply hangs on a wall to be observed.  The value lies in the success of the artist. 

In Ephesians 2:10, Paul makes an important statement regarding our value.  He writes, “For we (you) are God’s masterpiece.  He created us (you) anew in Christ Jesus, so we (you) can do the good things he planned for us (you) long ago.”

If you are going to bed at night, evaluating yourself based on what you accomplished, what other said about you, how much money you are making, or the impression you feel you are making on social media, you are missing the most beautiful truth about yourself.

You are priceless because you are a painting in God’s art gallery.  He is absolutely thrilled just to have you and He loves to look at you, regardless of the flaws you see.  You don’t have to “do” anything to earn the value that you possess.  Your mere existence is thrilling to Him.

The world may try to judge you using external methods but the fact remains that you are uniquely designed, one of a kind, and your artist is the most gifted in all of history.

One thing that strikes me in looking at the Jimsen Weed, Flower Number One is its mere simplicity.  How incredible that our lives do not need to be seen as significant by others to gain the true beauty and value that comes from being uniquely made by a creator.

I would encourage you to take time to notice art in various places you go today and ponder what painting you feel you resemble most.  The God who purchased you loves you for the beauty you bring to His gallery.


(; Bible references taken from the New Living Translation)