Renewing Waters

Gospel-centered guidance and support

Program Details


“Renewing Waters” is a six-week program that is designed to help people who are struggling with depression and anxiety. The study provides practical tools, built on a strong theological foundation, to help participants grow and find comfort and healing through their struggles. The Bible study is built on a study of the various ways water is used in the Bible to offer comfort and hope.
Renewing Waters



Despite the challenges and dark times in life, God can bring us to a place of peace and rest. Find out some ways that we can use Scripture to bring us to that peace and practical ways to apply it to everyday life.


Jesus has come to bring us life! Sometimes we feel paralyzed by sin but Jesus came to redefine who we are and set us free. Learn about God’s desire is to heal us from our past and provide healing for our future.


It isn’t a coincidence that God uses water to cleanse our faces when we feel intense emotions. Be reminded of the deep love Jesus has for all of us and the various ways He reveals Himself through our pain and suffering.


Life can be filled with pain and sadness and circumstances can flood our lives, causing devastation and loss. Discover how Jesus provides support through past and present suffering.


Anxiety often takes hold of our lives when we find ourselves in crisis. In many trials we face, it often seems there is no hope for our future. Get a deeper understanding of how God can work in order to save us from our current pain.


From creation to completion, God has a grand and glorious plan that wraps our life in hope for the future. In the final week, discover how all of the pain we feel will bring a future hope.

Upcoming Classes

Spring CLASS

Berean Baptist Church in Burnsville will be hosting the next class, which will begin on March 11th. To register, please click the button below.

Register or Reach Out

9 + 14 =

Jenita Pace


Written from the heart of someone who has struggled with depression and anxiety, Jenita (M.A. Ed, LPC) brings personal testimony and authenticity to provide a sense of safety and encouragement for being vulnerable. “Renewing Waters” was co- authored by Terri Hands (LMFT) who has been a counselor for more than twenty years.



“This course has helped me think on a deeper level and be intentional at noticing what I think and I respond to life situations. The Bible passages and life experiences and examples by the author have been particularily moving and life giving. It is deep and hard work, yet it’s paying off as I see God shifting my beliefs about who I see myself to be and who God wants to be for me. I would highly recommend this class to those who are seeking fresh ways to experience freedom in Christ.” — Nancy


“Jenita shares her own struggles very honestly and how God has taught her to keep her thoughts on her real identity in Christ. She teaches a lesson each week from God’s Word that emphasizes how it can be used to do battle with fear and anxiety that can be overwhelming.” — Mary


“Renewing Waters” has brought me recognition on God’s healing in everyday goodness He grants…My journey with the Lord is very old, but my need for renewing and healing increases daily…Jenita and Terri have written and delivered a sensitive message that speaks from deep experience and not from book knowledge alone.” — Lisa


“Jenita’s teaching is excellent. God’s Word and personal testimony along with the fellowship of the group has been powerful…I feel like I have new tools to use in my personal life and tools to share with those around me.” — Julie


“I honestly have grown and been strengthened personally! I think this study is an excellent catalyst for helping people find some grounding in the process of being discipled.” — Emily


I have spent over ten years working with youth and young adults, most recently as a school counselor. My experiences include crisis response counseling, group counseling, individual therapy, and creating mentorship programs.


1713 Southcross Drive W, Burnsville, MN 55306
Telephone: 612-361-9325
Fax: 612-930-0119